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Biezome Syndrome At Stanford University Biezome Syndrome At Stanford Unibversity

The once denounced opinion of zombies existing could very well be true now. According to a new study conducted by Stanford University, 7 out of 10 young adults are highly at risk for developing Biezom Syndrome. Biezom Syndrome includes symptoms like sleeping sickness, rabies, necrosis, and the desire to consume meat (of any type). After performing a test on a randomly selected group of male and female students attending Stanford University, the results were astonishing. Nearly 70% of the students who agreed to be a part of the experiment tested positive for Biezom Syndrome.

Some students were devastated after finding out they had this disease, while other knew they had it but never spoke up. After setting up cameras in their dorms and halls for the safety of other students and faculty, the researchers at Stanford discovered that 40% of those infected were in their last stages of Biezom Syndrome. The last stage of Biezom Syndrome causes individuals to lose sense of reality and go braindead. Oddly enough, although the infected individuals become braindead, they still retain their sense of touch, smell, and vision.

Factors that contribute to this disease are sleeplessness, stress from the load of schoolwork, lack of food, and tiring of the body due to excess partying. Thus, the researchers at Stanford came to the conclusion that college students are most at risk for developing this incurable disease. Teachers, faculty, and many other authorities of Universities nationwide are being accused as the ones who have caused their students to be in contact with Biezom Syndrome. Therefor it is highly recommended that teachers give less homework and Universities provide free meals to all their students in order to help fight and reduce Biezom Syndrome. We can’t do anything about those who have been infected but we can save ourselves and our future.

By Eman Essa
