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The Cat-Bear is a hybrid mammal, like a mule.  The parents are hairless cats and grizzly bears, and the offspring are mid-sized (40-60 pounds) and bald, except for their ears and stomachs.  It was discovered in August of 1993.  The Cat-Bear was originally found in the temperate forests of Eastern Canada by Geologist Hingle McKringleberry, who was conducting research in the forest.  Dr.  McKringleberry came across herd of seven Cat-Bears in a berry patch.  The creatures were eating snuggleberries, which, if consumed by a human, will result in fatal internal feather growth, commonly known as Snugglegut.  This astonishing immunity proved to be valuable to the field of science.  Dr. McKringleberry captured a Cat-Bear, sent it to the Canadian research think tank, and at long last the troublesome and deadly Snugglegut syndrome was cured in January of 1994.

Cat-Bears live in tight-knit herds.  When they reproduce, they often have litters of five babies, which are referred to as Cubby Kittens.  The discovery of this unique breed caused an unprecedented media frenzy which led to the eventual birth of Cat-Bearville, a nearby tourist town.  Cat-bear merchandise (And a theme park scheduled to open in Summer 2015) caused a boom in the local economy, transforming the rural Canadian territory into an up-and-coming metropolis.

Cat-Bears are commonly kept as household pets because they do not shed and have mild temperaments.  Their diet consists of produce and protein.  Pet owners have found that pizza best satisfies their nutritional needs.  They are fiercely loyal, and according to reports, are well on their way to replacing dogs as man’s best friend.
