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Honkaholism is a specific term for excessive honking while driving, and is used to mean compulsive and uncontrolled desire to honk the horn of a vehicle, not only to warn others of the vehicles approach, but also to scare, intimidate, and threaten with excessive “beeps”, “honk”, obnoxious language and hand gestures.


In 2009, the wireless communication device law (WCDL) in California was passed, prohibiting the use of wireless devices while driving. Prior to the year the WCDL took effect, honkaholism was relatively low based on data collected by the DMV Department of Driver’s Etiquette (DDE)

In 2013, the data collected from the San Jose Police Department of traffic violation was analyzed and reported to the DMV’s DDE and it indicated a significant spike in WCDL violation among drivers between the ages of 18-25. However, not all traffic violation recorded were WCDL related. Other data showed tickets were issued for other infractions of the law. Over 65% of violators stated the reason for violation was due to confrontation with the honkaholics. The violators stated in the police report that they felt threatened and scared when honkaholics approached them. On February 15th, 2013, DDE reported that a honkaholic went as far as crashing into the driver and pinning her against a street pole because she stalled at the light to the text.

Signs of Honkaholism:

Based on studies conducted at San Jose State University college of Health Science, it was concluded that between the year WCDL was introduced 2009, honkaholism is gaining momentum and more drivers today are falling victims to honkaholics some even becoming honkaholics themselves.

If you know someone who drives daily and show signs of nervous sweat or involuntary perspiration, it should be pointed out to them that signs of honkaholism is present. They will disagree but further investigation done by Cal State Berkley showed that 89.9% of honkaholics displayed perspiration while driving. The next sign of a honkaholic is their inability to yield. Honkaholics will not yield under any circumstances and will use that opportunity to scare and honk at other drivers who are not at fault. It is at this point that the final sign is prevalent. Once the honkaholic is honked at, the sound of a foreign honk or beep will provoke them to obnoxiously use threatening hand gestures and language to scare the other driver. The honkaholic will lose all inhibition to follow traffic laws and go above and beyond to intimidate, scare and even entice other honkaholics to harass those who violated them. 

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