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Seacent (SEE-CENT)

A creature native to salty waters, and are adaptable to environments of many temperatures. In their plural form, they are referred to as Centaurcees (CENT-ARE-SEES). Centaurcees only meet in flocks at times of war and mating season. Mating season occurs from early May untill early June. Otherwise they are solitary creatures. This is why they are hard to find, because they do not travel in large flocks, which would make them easy to spot. The most obvious way to tell the difference between males and females is through their variation of color. Females vary in all bright-colored hues, whose colors change in tone based on their feelings, where as males, vary in color, or lack of color, on the grey scale. Upon finding their life-long mate, the male will become transparent for a period of one lunar cycle. He becomes transparent so that he can protect the female from predators and other male Centaurcees without threatening her in her environment. This transparency only reoccurs when they are reunited with their mate. Their reunions occur on an annual basis, always in the same designated spot for each pair of Centaurcees. Centaurcees stay alone for the most part because they are very territorial. If a Seacent enters into another's territory, under most circumstances, its a fight to the death.

Centaurcees are thought of as half human half seahorse. They have the head of a human and the body and tale of a seahorse. They build their homes out of rocks and saliva. Their saliva is so sticky that it adheres to rocks to assure they don't float away. Because the Seacent is not at the top of the food pyramid, they uses their razor sharp teeth to make hidden dwellings in the rocks beneath their bubbles to hide from predators. The diet of a Seacent consists of seaweed and small crustaceans.

Life Cycle

The life cycle of a Seacent is different from most. After the male and female mate, the male guards the female for the 1 month gestation period. Once the mother has had her kin, the male leaves, and she is observed by her babies for roughly 1 hour and then they go their separate ways. The young leave their mother so soon because, if they were to stay, she would kill them due to the presence of a potential threat. A mother can have between one and four babies at a time. This cycle happens annually from the time the Seacent is five years old till it dies. The life span of a Seacent is typically 50-60 years. Once a Seacent's mate dies, the living Seacent will annually go to their designated mating spot until they die.
