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The Invisible Coat

The coat of everyone’s dreams has finally arrived, the invisible coat! Have you ever wished you could be a fly on a wall or just invisible sometimes? Well now you can literally do anything and or anywhere without anyone ever knowing. This coat is one very pricey coat that is one of a kind. It comes in all colors; red, white, black, blue, green, and grey. It is uniquely hand made, so no two coats are the same. They coat is super comfortable and perfect for any type of weather. The way it works is once you put the coat on, you become invisible. You are no longer visible to anybody and finally become that fly on the wall. You can go to any event, be in any room or conversation, without anybody knowing. As long as you have the coat on you are safe. Although, once you remove the coat from your body, you come back to life. That is the trickiest part so if you become hot, irritated, or anything that results in the coat coming off; you then become visible and present in the situation.

It’s a very unique and impressive coat that everyone should definitely invest in because there are a lot of situations where it will come in handy, but at the same time it has it’s cons that everyone should be aware of as well. This invisible coat endures a lot of power. One may see things they are not ready to see, hear things they may not have expected to hear, and be in situations they probably wouldn’t have chosen to be in if given the choice. So, it’s important to be aware and careful about all the pros and cons of the invisible coat. Aside from all of that it’s a great thing. It can solve a lot of problems or doubts that you may have and answer a lot of questions that linger on in our minds about certain things and people.
