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The throwback Bell was established in 1990, there is only one bell in the world. It is located on San Jose State’s property and is one of the most known artifacts there. It is disguised as a bell is rung every hour on the dot by different students throughout the school. Never revealing its real purpose because only those in the 90s will ever get the opportunity to experience its real meaning. This bell’s purpose is to bring people of all ages together but only the people that happened to be born in the 90s. Once a year this bell will make it a call out into the world, the national theme song for the 90s which is every one’s favorite 90s show theme song from “All That.” Upon hearing this song the people then turn into zombies following the sound, singing along and dancing all the way to the bell. Some fly while others do the worm, showing their own personalities through how they come to the bell. Once the bell has all people that have been called it reads allowed the 90s theme “we are all children of the 90s, may we unite, sparkle and live amongst the world and spread our special talents and love to those around.”  Then the bell will play music from all years of the 90s reaching all age groups and providing each year’s favorite snack to enjoy. The reason 
