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Alaskus Vibratorus are a very rare and endangered species that lives in underground Alaskan terrain, typically near the North Slope. Around mating season, usually between early Spring and late Fall, the species are abundant near the Arctic Circle. The species Alaskus Vibratorus are Earth-burrowing reptiles with four drill-like legs. They are covered in thick manes of white fur and are usually brown in color. This specie was first discovered by a lone adventurer named Leonardo Di’ Vector, a geologist who happened to stumble upon two of these species mating near the Arctic Circle. These giant creatures that are rumored to be 20 feet long feed off of mainly seals and polar bears. These creatures are typically carnivorous in nature.

Once a whole herd of these creatures gather to migrate, they produce tremors around that certain area – about a mile to two of semi-quakes that can result in a magnitude of a 3.4 on a Richter scale. A group of Alaskan adventurers experienced first-hand on the migration of these fascinating creatures during the middle of Spring in 2009. The whole crew lost their balance as they sought to explore the endangered polar bears around the Arctic Circle; little did they know that the herd of Alaskus Vibratorus was migrating to the Arctic Circle for mating season. The skin of these creatures are sensitive to the weather; this was proven by the scientist Xavier Robertitos, the man who discovered that if you leave the corpse of an Alaskus Vibratorus in a room with a temperature of 70 degrees or higher, their bodies start to shrivel up due to the chemical make-up of these underground creatures. These species of underground reptilian burrowers are still to be uncovered and researched upon and scientists have yet to discover the creature’s full nature. 
