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Baby was born September 3, 1947 to Margaret Wise Brown. He was wrapped in baby blue tissue paper and accompanied with a children’s book titled, “Good Night Moon.” Margie Kensit was the woman who had gifted him to the family. It was assumed that the book is where baby came from as it is there that he lived in a “great green room” and he always said, “good night moon” before heading off to bed. “Baby” as we have come to know him, is a grey rabbit in stripped blue pajamas, stands about twelve inches tall, and is on the plump-plushy side of stuffed animals. He sleeps in our son’s room, nestled closely by a pillow. Every night, baby gets the opportunity of talking to Noe, our son. He asks him questions about his day, gives him feedback, and compliments him on how well he did or didn’t do that day. When Noe goes to spend the night at relative’s houses, baby accompanies him to secure his safety and security, like a bodyguard does for Hollywood movie stars. Before bedtime, baby gets a kiss from mom and dad. He is the sleep protector of all things from the night. He protects and stands watch for all bad dreams, darkness, and monster noises lurking beneath the bed or outside the windows. Every night, he guards his post and the fortress that encompasses Noe’s bedroom. On occasion, baby provides emotional support for when Noe is sick, or having a bad day. Baby is always there to save the day. We aren’t’ quite sure when Baby will move on to another family, or if Baby, will ever leave us, for now, we enjoy his presence and enjoy the nature in which he brings love and light into our family’s life.
